
A story of sharks, bunkers, pirates and carrots: Technical basics one should know before discussing Internet Governance

News 15-11-2017

At this year's Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Geneva, CENTR will be providing a training on the technical basics of how the internet works.

Still too often, policy and governance discussions are hampered by the lack of understanding of how the internet works. Participants in those discussions confuse the roles of registries and access providers, internet exchanges and web hosts. This training takes the audience through a journey from the plug in the wall to the data centres. Along that journey, participants get introduced to all the players and stakeholders that make the internet what it is today. By means of a few live exercises sprinkled along the course, attendants will understand how traffic flows and what are the pitfalls of "quick and easy" fixes.

CENTR's training will be part of the IGF Newcomers Track and will be taking place on 17 December 2017 from 10.00 to 11.30.

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