
CENTR holds its 37th Technical Workshop in Dublin

News 15-12-2017

The CENTR Technical working group gathered in Dublin on 22 November 2017 for their annual standalone workshop. Besides the 27 representatives of 15 ccTLDs, IEDR, the host of this meeting, welcomed four representatives from three CENTR Observing members and Stephen Farrell from Trinity College Dublin.

The main topics that were discussed varied from database and DNSSEC automation systems to cloud-based registry systems and DomainID, an exciting digital identification project by DENIC eG. The highlight of the meeting was again the Tour de Table, where all organisations present in the room gave a technical update on what’s ongoing in their registry. At the end of the day, Ulrich Wisser from IIS was elected Co-Chair of the working group. Ulrich will be replacing Gilles Massen from RESTENA DNS-LU and will be co-chairing the group together with Jaromir Talir from CZ.NIC.

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