The CENTRstats Global TLD Report Q3/2020 has been published and shows that Q3 2020 has seen a continuation of high rates of new domain creations as well as a slight decrease in deletes. Furthermore, for several countries, the national ccTLD also gained market share based on ‘popular website’ ranks from Alexa. This report covers the status and trends in top-level domains with a focus on European ccTLDs (country code top-level domains).
Click here to view the online, interactive report.
Highlights from the report
European market
- Since April 2020, median deletion ratios have decreased, suggesting domain holders are opting to hold on to their domains in larger numbers;
- The enlarged gap between creates and deletions has further pushed up overall growth of domains in ccTLDs;
- Market share as measured by local registrations in CENTR member countries is estimated at 57% in favour of national ccTLDs;
Global outlook
- The global market share of domain name registrations is roughly 47% to .com, 33% to recorded ccTLDs (243) and 20% to all other gTLDs;
- For many gTLDs, the margin between domain creates and deletes is very small;
- gTLDs with particularly large quantities of deletes over the quarter were .shop, .dev and .world.