
CENTR in Tel Aviv for its latest Security Workshop

News 20-11-2017

On 6 and 7 November 2017, the CENTR Security Working Group gathered in Tel Aviv for an outstanding workshop. Since the workshop was hosted by ISOC-IL, the participants had the privilege to hear presentations from renowned Israeli Information Security companies and exciting start-ups.

Besides that, the participants discussed typical registry security issues and updated each other on best practices and lessons learned. Mutual collaboration between registries by means of security benchmarking tools and models was again highlighted and appreciated by the participants.

On the second day, ISOC-IL had organized a visit to the Israeli Cybercampus at Beer-Sheva, where the participants could visit the local CERT offices. This tour provided everyone with a better understanding of the organization and model of the CERT-IL. Some local information Security startups that jointly operate and even collaborate at Cyberspark finally showcased what they’re currently working on and closed as such this unique CENTR Security workshop.

List of participants, documents and slides (members only)

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