CENTR has published its Report on ICANN69, which took place virtually between 13-15 and 19–22 October 2020. This report focuses on the Country Code Names Supporting Organisation (ccNSO) and the Government Advisory Committee (GAC) sessions.
As with the last meeting, DNS abuse is now clearly an omnipresent topic in ICANN discussions in all its shapes and forms and across the whole community. In the GAC, these discussions revolved around the definitions of DNS abuse, its scale and who bears which responsibilities, and are an underlying part of the GAC’s priority topics. These topics are the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG and registration data and WHOIS, including data accuracy discussions. Adding to the existing complexity, contradictory data showed both an increase and decline in ‘DNS abuse’ trends.
ccTLD updates during the ccNSO sessions focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and their efforts reagrding Internet Governance at these times. Other topics covered in the report include some organisational changes namely in the ICANN Board and ccNSO Council position, updates from the Internet Governance Liaison Committee, European perspectives on ICANN and Internet Governance, highlights from the ccNSO Tech Day.