
Internet Festival 2012 Pisa, Italy- "Forms of the Future"

News 01-10-2012

From 4 to 7 October, Pisa will be hosting the Internet Festival, an event to discover and explore the trends and future developments of the Net. The theme for 2012 is "Forms of the Future" which focuses on a full program of events and meetings through which to investigate how the Internet has been reshaping the social, cultural and economic landscape of the world.
The festival is free to the public, and is being promoted by the Tuscan Regional Administration, the Municipal Council of Pisa, the Italian National Research Council (CNR), the Italian Registry and Institute for Informatics and Telematics of the CNR, with the Chamber of Commerce of Pisa, the Provincial Administration of Pisa, the University of Pisa, the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, the Scuola Normale Superiore, and the Association Festival of Science.
The Festival has three underlying themes: Internet for Citizens (I4C) which focuses on digital democracy, Internet for Makers (I4M) on business and the economy, and Internet for Tellers (I4T) on the web as a vehicle of expression and opinion. Then there are the TTours, workshops for students of primary, secondary and high schools on topics ranging from programming and problem solving, creating apps, designing ebooks, and Internet security. Finally, IF Events: events of popular and cultural scientific thought for a diverse audience, with various means of interaction.

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